第35章 怨恨缘由 (第3/3页)
“One is Park Wentian, the “boxer“ of the famous 72 earth planets in the universe.(一个是,名震宇宙72类地行星的‘拳皇’朴问天)”
“Huh? What?(啊?什么?)”
“Because, I told Park to ask God, not to teach children skills, not to teach children skills, learned skills, in case of a killing disaster, even Park asked God himself knows, too many enemies, and my marriage is a secret not to be spread. But Park asked the heavens not to listen, not to say what a child is a once-in-a-thousand-year martial arts genius, when the martial arts are completed, it can be like one of the Nine Emperors of the universe,'immortal emperor', all-powerful, the universe trembles for it, as a result, because I and his children learned martial arts, but caused death.(因为,我告诉过朴问天,不许教孩子功法,不许教孩子功法,学会了功法,万一招来杀身之祸怎么办,就连朴问天自己都知道,仇家太多,和我的结婚都是一个不外传的秘密。但是朴问天偏不听,非说孩子是什么千年难得一遇的功法奇才,当功法大成之时,便是可以如同宇宙九皇之一‘仙皇’那般,无所不能,宇宙为之颤动,结果,就是因为我和他的孩子学会了功法,却惹来了杀身之祸。)”
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